4 Reasons to Choose Pressure-Treated Fencing Over Dip-Treated

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Building a New Home

If you plan to build a new home, you will no doubt have lots of questions about how best to proceed. I am here to help you to understand the different things you need to consider when planning and constructing a new property. I don't work in the construction industry but last year, I successfully built a new property using a team of construction contractors. The contractors were real professionals who worked quickly and to a very high standard. They were very kind to me and took the time to explain exactly what they were doing at each stage of the construction job.


4 Reasons to Choose Pressure-Treated Fencing Over Dip-Treated

13 November 2018
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Choosing top-quality fencing timber means more than looking at the material itself. You'll also want to pay close attention to how it has been treated, and that usually means choosing between dip-treated and pressure-treated.

Dip-treated fencing is usually less expensive than pressure-treated, so those who don't understand the difference between them might choose dip-treated without appreciating their mistake. Here are just four reasons why pressure-treated fencing is well worth the added cost.

1. Durability

As you might have guessed, dip-treating simply involves dipping fencing sections into wood treatment for a certain length of time. The entire section will be covered, but treatment won't penetrate right through. Pressure-treating involves drawing all the moisture from the timber and then treating it; that means preservatives are driven right into the timber instead of just applied to the outside. Pressure-treating takes longer, which accounts for the added cost. However, the fact that treatment penetrates right to the core provides exceptional durability, so your fencing should last considerably longer.

2. Maintenance

Since preservative only sits on the surface when you opt for dip-treated wood, you need to stain and re-stain it quite often. Most of the time, you'll be expected to do this annually. When you choose pressure-treated fencing, maintenance isn't something you'll need to worry about since minor scratches and imperfections aren't going to expose unprotected wood. You can still add a little more finish every couple of years, but it won't be such a pressing concern.

3. Aesthetics

If you're looking for high-grade fencing timber, you probably care more than most about how your fencing looks. With that in mind, the added cost of pressure-treated fencing shouldn't bother you. You can choose fencing that has been pressure-treated with a certain colour, so it can blend in perfectly with the rest of your garden or make a more vibrant statement. Since colour will be forced right through to the centre, you don't need to worry about scratches and dents showing the untreated surface beneath.

4. Moisture Resistance

One of the major problems with dip-treated wood is that it needs to be kept off the ground. If it sits right on the ground, moisture is going to get into it and dramatically weaken the structure, so a dip-treated base usually needs to be used to prevent this from happening. This is why you'll often see sheds sitting on a base – that means the main structure is made from dip-treated wood that cannot meet the earth. It makes better sense to simply choose pressure-treated wood for the entire structure, especially if you're concerned with the fence's appearance.