Follow These Tips to Protect Your Water Bore From Water Contamination

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Building a New Home

If you plan to build a new home, you will no doubt have lots of questions about how best to proceed. I am here to help you to understand the different things you need to consider when planning and constructing a new property. I don't work in the construction industry but last year, I successfully built a new property using a team of construction contractors. The contractors were real professionals who worked quickly and to a very high standard. They were very kind to me and took the time to explain exactly what they were doing at each stage of the construction job.


Follow These Tips to Protect Your Water Bore From Water Contamination

9 November 2018
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

One of the most common problems that people have to deal with after they have dug up water bores in their premises is protecting their water supply from contamination. It is unfortunate that when drinking water gets contaminated, most people do not even understand the source of the contamination. While there is little you as a boring owner can do to change the way land and waterways are treated which affects the quality of the groundwater, there are a few things that you can do to protect your water from getting contaminated.

The boring process 

The quality and safety of the water that you will be using in your home depend heavily on the boring process that was followed, and the level of water that was reached. Most of the wells which have been dug up draw their water from shallow aquifers that form on dried up river beds. The advantage that comes from these aquifers is that they can be quickly replenished when it rains. On the other hand, the ease of access of rainwater to the wells means that contamination is very easy. When boring your wells, it is wise to get water from confined aquifers because this water is less likely to move or get contaminated by groundwater.

The condition of the bore

The second source of contamination of bore water typically comes from the bore itself. The standard bore should have a life of between twenty and thirty years. As it ages, it will start deteriorating, especially if there is little or no maintenance. The bore should always be secured to make sure that water from the outside does not get into it. You also need to make sure that structures such as septic tanks and stormwater soakage systems are placed far away from the bores because they can create a severe health hazard.

Back-flow prevention

Another way that you can protect your bore from getting contaminated water is by ensuring that a backflow system is incorporated into the initial bore design. Also, ensure that the top of the bore is sealed at all times to prevent contamination. If possible, have a fence installed around the bore to prevent farm animals from accessing it.

The cleanness and safety of the water you get from your bore, therefore, depends on the construction process and the maintenance measures that you put in place. The quality of the water can be checked by collecting samples and taking them to an accredited facility for tests.